Saturday, May 20, 2006

Meetings and Greetings part1

I am giving here few words, which will be very helpful in starting a conversation with an italian, how to say goodbye, and how to ask and answer general things in Italian.
To learn pronunciation of words in Italian, now onwards I will write its pronunciation in brackets after every italian word whenever I feel its prunciation is different from what it seems in english, pronounce the word in brackets as if you do in english, and please feel free to drop a comment if you have any doubt.As we go ahead I will post the rules of pronunciation that will be very helpful.Enough we go

Signore(sinyore) ..................................... Mr.
Signora(sinyora) ..................................... Mrs.
Signorina(sinyorina) ............................... Miss.
Signori(sinyori) ........................................ Mr. & Mrs.

Buongiorno (bonjiarno) ........................... Good morning
Buonasera .................................................. Good evening
Buonanotte ................................................ Good night
Ciao(chao)/Arrivederci(erivederchi).... Goodbye
Ciao ............................................................. Hello
Salve ........................................................... Hi
Si/No .......................................................... Yes/No
Bene ........................................................... Good
Va bene ...................................................... Okay
Per favore/Per piacere(piachere) ......... Please
Excellent ................................................... Benessimo
Cheers! ...................................................... Salute
Grazie ........................................................ Thank you

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