Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Update the Look of Your Fireplace

As you plan for your room makeover, don’t forget the fireplace! After all, it is an important focal point in the room. And Agee has wood fireplace mantels in oak, pine or birch that you paint or stain yourself. They have different styles to choose from, but if you have a fireplace mantel design in mind, they will try to create it for you.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Trade Show Graphics That Squash the Competition

For trade show graphics that will make potential customers stop in their
tracks, take a look at They've got you covered
whether you've got the graphics designed already, you need help turning a
design idea into reality, or you choose from one of their designs. They
deliver no hassle, high-quality graphics for your trade show display that get

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Finding a gift for woman in your life

A few times a year I'm always looking for gifts for the females in my life.
I have finally discovered a foolproof method to finding the right gift: Buy jewelry.
Simple, yes? But also effective. No more searching around for something I hope they like, and diamond jewelry works even better.
Blog post sponsored by Blogging For Money

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Name of the Months

So, after learning names of colours, days of the week, here we go with the names of month in Italian......

January ------- Gennaio
February ------ Febbraio
March --------- Marzo
April ----------- Aprile
May ----------- Maggio
June ----------- Giugno
July ------------ Luglio
August --------- Agosto
September ----- Settembre
October -------- Ottobre
November ----- Novembre
December ------ Dicembre

Thursday, June 22, 2006


Here are the colours :

Black ------ Nero
Blue ------- Azzuro
Brown ------ Marrone
Gray ------- Grigio
green ------ Verde
Orange ----- Arancione
Purple ----- Viola
Red -------- Rosso
Pink ------- Rosa
Yellow ----- Giallo
White ------ Bianca

Colours are adjectives, therefore like most adjectives they follow the noun.
To ask what colour a thing is/things are?

Di che colore é / Di che colore sono ?

Singular -------- il vestito giallo (the yellow dress)
Plural ---------- i vestiti gialli (the yellow dresses)

Singular -------- la maghetta rossa (the Red T shirt)
Plural ---------- le maghette rosse (the Red T shirts)

Days of the week

Here I am mentioning the days of week in italy (i giorni della settimana in italiano)......
In Italy the week starts on Monday and days are written without Capitals.

Monday --------- lunedì
Tuesday --------- martedì
Wednesday ------ mercoledì
Thursday -------- giovedì
Friday ----------- venerdì
Saturday --------- sabato
Sunday ---------- domenica

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Apart from the tables above, here are some tips, how do we say numbers more than 100 or 1000

100 ------- Cento (Invariable for Singular or Plural)

like :
Cento(100), Duecento(200), Trecento(300), Seicento(600) ......

1000 ------ Mille (Singular or you can say for One thousand only)

The plural of MILLE(1000) is MILA
1000 --- Mille
2000 --- Duemila
20,000 --- Ventimila
120,000 --- Centoventimila
220,000 --- Duecentoventimila

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Articles & Propositions

M ----- Masculine
F ----- Feminine
Sing. - Singular
Plu. -- Plural
vow. -- vowel
cons -- consonent

Examples :

il libro (the book) ------------- i libri (the books)
l'uomo (the man) ---------------- gli uomini (the men)
lo zio (the uncle) -------------- gli zii (the uncles)
lo scopo (the aim) -------------- gli scopi (the aims)
l'inno (the hymn) --------------- gl'inni (the hymns)

Monday, May 22, 2006

Beverages & Snacks

I am listing down the beverages that I have come across so far, please check it frequently I will append new words here as soon as I confront a new one.........

la té .......................... Tea
la caffé ..................... coffee
il vino ....................... wine
l'acqua ...................... water
la bira ....................... beer
la cioccolata ............. Chocolate
la limonata .............. Lemonade (lemon juice)
il latte ...................... Milk
la cioccolata calda(hot) .......... Hot Chocolate
il succo(juice) d'arancia ......... Orange Juice
ls soda ..................................... soda
la pasta ................................... Cake
la gelato .................................. Icecream
formaggio ............................... Cheese
Pizza ....................................... Pizza
Zucchero ................................ Sugar
Tramezzini ............................. Sandwiches
fresco ...................................... fresh

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Primo Dialogo(meetings and greetings part 2)

Lets start with a conversation between you(girl) & me, depicting how to greet someone when we meet and asking general questions, based on what we learnt so far and introducing some more useful words.English translation is given in brackets after each sentence.

ME : buongiorno, signorina Simona (Goodmorning Miss Simona)
YOU: bunogiorno, come ti chiama(informal) or come si chiama(formal) ? (Goodmorning, What is your name)

ME : Mi chiamo Russo, come sta ? (My name is Russo, How are you ?)
YOU: Sto Bene, grazie, ? lei (formal) or ? tu (informal)? (I am fine, Thanks, and you?)
Me : Molto bene. (Very fine)

YOU : piacere di conoscerla (Pleased to meet you)
ME : Ci vediamo domani ! (see you tomorrow !)
YOU : Ci vediamo, ciao (see you later, bye)
ME : Arrivederci (Goodbye)

Taking another example, you are new to italy, not much familiar with italian and want to ask something to me.

YOU : Scusi, Signore! (Excuse me, Sir!)
ME : Si....Prego..........?(Yes ....Can I help you......?) or (yes please ......?)

YOU : Parla inglese ? (Do you speak English?)
ME : No. Mi dispiace.Non parlo inglese.(No.I am sorry.I dont speak English)

YOU : Va bene(Okay). Dove ? stazione?(Where is station)
ME : Sempre dritto. poi a destra.dopo il semaforo.(go straight.then right.after traffic lights)

YOU : E il telefono?(And the telefono)
ME : mi dispiace.Non lo so(I dont know)

YOU : Grazie mille(Thanks a lot)
ME : Prego. (you are welcome)

New words we learnt here are :

Italiano .............. Italian
Rusoo ................. Russian
Tedesco ............... German
Cinese ................ Chinese
Giappanese ............ Japanese
Spagnolo .............. Spanish
Greco ................. greek
francese .............. french
inglese ............... English
portoghese ............ portuguese

L'ascensore ........... The elevators
Bene .................. Good
Ma .................... But
Sempre Dritto ......... go straight (Sempre .... Always : Dritto .... Straight)
A Destra .............. To right
A Sinistra ............ To left
Poi ................... then
E ..................... and

molto bene ............ Much good
sto bene .............. I am well
no si bene ............ not well
malato ................ sick

Meetings and Greetings part1

I am giving here few words, which will be very helpful in starting a conversation with an italian, how to say goodbye, and how to ask and answer general things in Italian.
To learn pronunciation of words in Italian, now onwards I will write its pronunciation in brackets after every italian word whenever I feel its prunciation is different from what it seems in english, pronounce the word in brackets as if you do in english, and please feel free to drop a comment if you have any doubt.As we go ahead I will post the rules of pronunciation that will be very helpful.Enough we go

Signore(sinyore) ..................................... Mr.
Signora(sinyora) ..................................... Mrs.
Signorina(sinyorina) ............................... Miss.
Signori(sinyori) ........................................ Mr. & Mrs.

Buongiorno (bonjiarno) ........................... Good morning
Buonasera .................................................. Good evening
Buonanotte ................................................ Good night
Ciao(chao)/Arrivederci(erivederchi).... Goodbye
Ciao ............................................................. Hello
Salve ........................................................... Hi
Si/No .......................................................... Yes/No
Bene ........................................................... Good
Va bene ...................................................... Okay
Per favore/Per piacere(piachere) ......... Please
Excellent ................................................... Benessimo
Cheers! ...................................................... Salute
Grazie ........................................................ Thank you

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Primo Punto (First Step) SUBJECT PRONOUNS

So guys lets get on the track ..........
Lets start with learning to say........I, you, he, she.........

Io --------- I
tu --------- You(singular)
lui --------- He
lei --------- She
noi -------- We
voi -------- you(plural)
loro ------- They

For helping verbs we have two verbs with us, different forms of these verbs are used with different subjects.

Present tense forms of essere(to be)

sono ---------- I am
sei ------------ you are (singular)
é ------------- he is
é ------------- she is
siamo -------- we have
siete --------- you have (plural)
sono --------- they are

Present tense forms of avere(to have)

ho ----------- I have
hai----------- you have
ha ----------- he has
ha ----------- she has
abbiamo ----- we have
avete -------- you have (plural)
hanno ------- they have

h is silent in all forms of avere above.
I will devise a technique to write here how to pronounce these words, as its very different from english.