Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Apart from the tables above, here are some tips, how do we say numbers more than 100 or 1000

100 ------- Cento (Invariable for Singular or Plural)

like :
Cento(100), Duecento(200), Trecento(300), Seicento(600) ......

1000 ------ Mille (Singular or you can say for One thousand only)

The plural of MILLE(1000) is MILA
1000 --- Mille
2000 --- Duemila
20,000 --- Ventimila
120,000 --- Centoventimila
220,000 --- Duecentoventimila

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice blog, still there are two mistakes in the numeral tabel. for 8 should be otto and for 18 - diciotto.